Benefits of Sermorelin Peptide Therapy
Sermorelin benefits men over the age of 40 by restoring low hGH levels (which is known to occur with aging), improve heart health (by reducing cholesterol and obesity), reduce risk of fractures (by promoting bone mineralization), and improve mental cognition and energy levels.
Sermorelin is a peptide version of a naturally-occurring substance in your body called growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). As its name suggests, GHRH is involved in the production and activation of growth hormone (GH) or also sometimes referred to as human growth hormone (HGH).
4 Key Takeaways:
- Replenishes low hGH levels, which occurs with aging.
- Improves heart health by reducing cholesterol and obesity.
- Reduces risk of fractures by promoting bone mineralization.
- Improves mental cognition and energy levels.
What is GH? GH is a chemical in your body involved in metabolism and growth. It plays a leading role in modulating aging and longevity.
The role of GH in regulating health and well-being can be most clearly understood in studies assessing the health outcomes of individuals with GH deficiency. A landmark study in 1990 found that an assumed GH deficiency due to a brain defect (hypopituitarism) was associated with excess mortality, meaning that the actual number of deaths exceeded what was typically expected of an individual’s age and sex.
However, the good news is that the replacement of GH in individuals who were deficient in this hormone resulted in good clinical outcomes. Studies have time and again shown that long-term GH replacement therapy can result in a number of benefits, including extending lifespan and improving quality of life.
Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of GH replacement therapy.
Improving Cardiovascular Health
Scientists conducted a study in which they reviewed 37 clinical trials involving adult patients with GH deficiency. They found that GH deficiency as a result of a brain defect (hypopituitarism) increases the risk of deaths associated with cardiovascular disease. However, they also found that GH treatment can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
These scientists found that GH treatment had a significant effect on a number of cardiovascular risk factors. For example, GH treatment resulted in lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Furthermore, it was associated with lower fat mass and an increase in lean body mass.
All these improvements add up to improve overall cardiovascular health. This means that the risk of a heart attack or a stroke goes down significantly. GH replacement in patients who are deficient in this hormone can lower the risk of heart disease and promote longevity.
Reducing the Risk of Diabetes
A team of scientists looked into the effects of GH deficiency on metabolic well-being. Their investigation was based on worries that GH replacement might reduce insulin sensitivity and potentially increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Instead, these scientists found that the opposite was true. Patients with untreated GH deficiency were found to be at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, patients who were treated with GH replacement therapy had a normal incidence of type 2 diabetes, even if they had a higher body mass index (BMI). These findings concur with available evidence that GH treatment can improve fasting plasma glucose and insulin levels.
Promoting Bone Strength
In another paper, researchers reviewed 23 studies in which patients who were deficient in GH were prescribed recombinant human GH for a total of 5 to 15 years. As in the study above, these researchers found that GH replacement can improve body composition and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Importantly, these researchers were able to identify that GH replacement improved bone mineral density. One of the most common diseases in which bone mineral density is compromised is osteoporosis, which is a condition commonly found in elderly patients. Individuals with low bone mineral density are more likely to suffer from falls and fractures. The effect of GH replacement in preserving bone mineral density thus has a protective effect against accidents and mobility difficulties associated with weak bones.
These findings were also reported in a study of which scientists looked into GH replacement therapy in patients with adult-onset GH deficiency. They found that patients who were on a 15-year GH replacement therapy regimen had an increase in total body and spine bone mineral content and density.
“Our study is the first that has studied the effect of 15 years of GH replacement and the results give further support to the usefulness of long-term GH replacement to GH [deficient] adults,” the research team concluded.
Improving Mental Cognition and Energy
There have been numerous studies that have shown a positive correlation with improvement of mental facilities and functions once GH levels have been optimized. Adults showed improvements in mental cognition tests. Similarly, other studies have seen positive effects on energy levels measured by reduction in fatigue and improvement in generalized well-being in patients after GHRH administration.
Sermorelin and You
Because sermorelin peptide stimulates the production of GH, it may be beneficial in individuals who are deficient in GH. Aside from those who are clinically deficient in GH, some adults experience a natural decrease in GH as they get older. Because GH deficiency is associated with a number of health problems, the replacement of GH in some individuals can be a huge boost to one’s overall health, well-being, and longevity. Sermorelin is available in both injection form and as oral tablets.
Forty Health is committed to promoting and enhancing every aspect of male health, and that includes fighting some of the decline associated with aging. If our 100% online and simple clinical intake form finds that you may be a good candidate for sermorelin therapy, our clinical team will review and help get your medications delivered right to your door! We pride ourselves in ensuring that your health is optimized and that you remain fit and strong, both physically and mentally. Physically, you are more likely to maintain lean body mass and improve your cardiovascular health; mentally; you are more likely to avoid anxiety and depression.
If you want to learn more and experience the benefits of sermorelin peptide therapy, contact us today to see if whether this therapy is right for you!