There is evidence that physical activity can boost your testosterone levels, and that optimal levels of testosterone increases the efficiency of physical activity. In other words, the relationship between physical activity and testosterone is bidirectional.
Studies show that high-intensity exercise and resistance training can lead to a boost in testosterone levels. Here are some physical exercises that you can perform at the gym to help your body achieve optimal testosterone levels
1. Push-Ups
Push-ups are one of the easiest exercises to master, but can be physically demanding if you perform them with the right form and technique. They are a type of resistance exercise, with your body weight becoming the resistance that you need to overcome in order to go down and up. Aside from burning calories, push-ups have been associated with a boost in testosterone levels.
2. Squats
Scientists looked at how high-intensity barbell squats impacted hormone levels and found that testosterone levels increased immediately after these exercises were performed. The great thing about squats is that it is an exercise that can be carried out using your own body weight or with added resistance, such as in the form of a barbell or a dumbbell.
Resistance Exercise
Resistance exercise is the use of external resistance to shape and build muscle. These typically include exercise machines; however, resistance exercise can also be conducted using one’s own body weight. Studies show that resistance exercise can have an important effect on hormonal concentrations, such as testosterone. Testosterone is important for both muscle growth and development.
Scientists noted that testosterone levels spike immediately following resistance training. A study in which physically inactive men participated in a whole-body resistance exercise protocol had an increase in testosterone levels when blood samples were taken. In addition, scientists found that this increase in testosterone levels could be observed in physical exercise according to body parts (such as the chest only or the legs only) or exercise involving the entire body.
3. Swimming
Swimming is a popular form of resistance training because it makes use of water as resistance. This means that this form of exercise can be as gentle or as intense as you want it to be. While studies indicate that testosterone can be increased following short, intense swimming exercise, working out at maximal intensity may result in a decrease in testosterone.
4. Pilates
Pilates is one of the most popular exercise programs in the world. In pilates, participants are asked to hold their body in various positions, which causes the muscles to work out in tension. Like other forms of resistance training, pilates can result in a boost in testosterone if performed with the right technique and under the right intensity.
Source: William Choquette / Pexels
There are various studies that show a correlation between running and improved mental health. It can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, even if it is performed at a leisurely pace. A commitment to running regularly will ensure that you stay in shape and that your body’s biological functions perform optimally, including in terms of hormone regulation and production.
5. Sprinting
Sprinting is a high-intensity form of running, in which your heart rate shoots up and the muscles of your body are fully engaged to allow you to go as fast as possible. Scientists have found that male athletes with higher testosterone levels have improved sprint performance.
6. Jogging
Jogging is a low-intensity form of running, in which the heart rate is usually at a moderately increased pace. Jogging can be done as a leisurely activity, or competitively as part of a marathon. The main difference between sprinting and jogging, aside from speed, is the difference in intensity. Because jogging is a form of resistance exercise, it too can lead to healthy levels of testosterone.
High-Intensity Functional Training
High-intensity training is a form of physical exercise in which you perform an activity that causes your heart rate to spike up very quickly, with the caveat that these exercises are performed in short bursts.
A study found that individuals who engaged in high-intensity functional training competitive workouts had significant increases in their testosterone concentrations when measured at specific time points. However, scientists also cautioned against overtraining, which can result in fatigue and unwanted side effects.
7. Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are a form of exercise that many people will be familiar with as it is a popular warmup activity. Performing large volumes of jumping jacks at a fast pace can be a form of high-intensity functional training and can lead to an immediate increase in testosterone.
8. Circuit Training
Circuit training is a form of exercise in which you rotate between different exercises. For example, you may start with doing burpees, followed by rowing, followed by push-ups. The goal of this program is to keep the heart rate high and the muscles of the body fully engaged. This form of exercise can significantly boost testosterone levels in men.
9. Jumping Lunges
Jumping lunges are a great way to hike up your heart rate because these require your body to perform explosive movements in order to go up and down. Jumping lunges are an excellent form of workout to strengthen your legs. Incorporating jumping lunges into your routine may help you feel stronger overall and burn off the extra calories.
There is sufficient evidence to show that physical exercise is associated with an increase in testosterone levels; however, more research is needed to understand if this increase is transient or permanent. By committing to a physical exercise program that is in line with your current fitness goals, you are allowing your body to optimize its production of testosterone, alongside all the other great health benefits in terms of mental and cardiovascular health.
Forty Health is committed to ensuring that every man has the tools they need to live life at their healthiest. Are you worried about having insufficient testosterone levels? Forty Health allows you to order a blood test to assess your testosterone levels. After this has been performed, a qualified doctor will be able to advise you on the best testosterone regimen that is suited to you and your lifestyle needs.